STEP IT UP!-Take The Pledge

The Step It Up Pledge
In order to make the community and the world a better place, change must first start with me. I commit myself as best I can to become a vehicle for change and agree to Step It Up in the following ways:
To Respect Myself and Others To respect myself and other people regardless of race, sex, age. religion etc.
To Seek Knowledge
To seek answers to my questions by becoming more educated and putting in the time and effort to make myself a better person.
To Exemplify Integrity
To lead by example and do what’s right even when no one is looking.
To Communicate Better To share my feelings honestly, to look for safe ways to talk and act when I'm angry, and to work at solving problems peacefully.
To Listen To listen carefully to others who may be better suited than me on specific subjects.
To Forgive To say I'm sorry and mean it when I have hurt another person, to forgive others when they have hurt me, and to keep from holding grudges.
To Make Better Decisions To weigh consequences for my actions and have the willpower to make the right decision.
To Give and Share To give and share no matter how small it may be time or any tangible resource to others who are in need.
To Be Courageous To challenge injustices in all its forms whenever I see it, whether at home, at school or in the community, and to stand with others who are treated unfairly.